Luisa Mannu, researcher
Senior Scientist - Agro-food expert
Agronomic engineer as background, Luisa Mannu is a business minded scientist with 25+ years of expertise gained in research in the food sector and broadened by working at European Institutions (EFSA, European Commission). Soon after starting her career as researcher microbiologist, she was appointed as head of the dairy molecular microbiology department at AGRIS Sardegna (Agricultural Research Agency of Sardinia), Italy. After about 14 years of research, she moved to EFSA (European Food Safety Authority, Parma, Italy) as scientific officer in the GMO Unit where she accomplished a sounded expertise in food safety and EU regulatory affairs. Subsequently, she has been worked at the European Commission, DG-Research, Brussels, as project officer responsible for the management of the total life-cycle (including evaluation of proposals, negotiation of grant agreements, assessment of technical and financial reports) of FP6 and FP7 Marie-Curie projects, especially in the Industry-Academia Partnership and Pathways (IAPP) action. Since then, she has been working in supporting product innovation and launch within her extensive and strategic network of international contacts.